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Finnish Kennel Foundation
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Search collection
Stories and videos
Finnish Kennel Foundation
For the media
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- Suomi
A golden medal
145 / 193
A bronze medal from 1899
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Karelian Bear Dog from kennel Pöyröön
Karelian Bear Dog with a child
Karelian Bear Dog Danja
Elk King Musti
Karelian Bear Dog Peni
Karelian Bear Dog named Prokko
Lapponian Herder
Finnish Hound
Finnish Spitz
Karelian Bear Dog
Finnish Lapphunds Tuppu and Natta
Black Spot Shocking
Ballet Girl av Torefjell and Gitta Ringwall
Faithful Of Falstaff
Sønnafjellets Sunrise of Norway
FI CH Dawich Jon English
Stockmann's kennel department
Briar Benedict
Arberth Oarsman
The Kennel Club's export pedigree
Black Spot Lariza
Febinette and Grand Goalkeeper
Grand Goalkeeper
Black Spot Lamie
Black Spot Picadilly
Black Spot Sarabande
Black Spot Cherry-Brandy
Sønnafjellets Sunrise of Norway
Redblack Rembrance
Snorrehus Ibb
Carlova Samba
Vanitonia Holy Moses
Gitta Ringwall judging 1992
Gitta Ringwall judging in Sweden
Winner Best In Show 2003
Kirman Khayal
Black Spot Elmo
Dawich Jon English
Culswood Cracker's last show
Black Spot Zatomayor
Black Spot Bebel
Black Spot beeder's group, Norwich Terrier
Finland's first Norwich terriers
Black Spot Placido Sound
Black Spot Irish Toffee
Culswood Cracker
Gitta Ringwall 1990
Black Spot beeder's group, seniors
Some of the first dogs in Black Spot kennel
Skijumper Polonaise
Black Spot kennel's winnings
Black Spot Rebiza
Cefnbryn Celt
Black Spot breeder's group, Fox Terriers
Arley Swell
Stenus Fox Somersault ja Stenus Fox Sympatica
Black Spot Harmony
Black Spot Marino
Black Spot Xavier
Black Spot Jaguar
C.I.B. Black Story
Gitta Ringwall and a dog in the 1950's
Black Story won its first CC
On route to a show in Norway, 1957
Ballet Girl av Torefjell ja Stenus Fox Somersault
Black Spot Jaguar
A painting, gifted to Gitta Ringwall
Ballet Girl av Torefjell
Dara of the Belt-Railway
Arberth Oarsman's Dk Ch certificate
Arley Swell's No Ch certificate
Briar Benedict's CACIB
Honorary award won by Snorrehus Ibb
A statuette of a Norwich terrier
Gitta Ringwall's kennel archive
A prize plate by Östra Kennelklubben 1979
Dawich Jon English
A painting of a fox terrier
Culswood Cracker and Black Spot Watson, a painting
Culswood Cracker, a painting
Black Spot kennel
Finnish Kennel Club gold badge to Gitta Ringwall
Gitta as a tennis player
Women's handball team pictured in 1948
Gitta Ringwall as a mannequin
A prize from a running competition.
Gitta Ringwall and handball
Gitta Ringwall and Ready
Gitta Ringwall in the 1950's
Gitta Ringwall and first Norwich Terriers
Catalogue of the Finnish Kennel Club's second dog show
Lappish Dog
Matti Jomppanen and Cahpe
Terracotta dog
German Shepherd Jeri's Diploma
Hound Dog Ruli Huli's Diploma
The Diploma of Suomen Kennelklubi
The Diploma of the Karelian Kennel Club
The Poodle
The Finnish Hound Vainon Ansa
Wooden Finnish Spitz
Catalogue of the Finnish Kennel Club's first dog show
Groomin supply
Grooming supply
Grooming supply
Grooming supply
The Finnish Spitz from glass
A Silver Finnish Spitz Statuette
A Finnish Spitz barking at a bird
A Finnish Spitz barking up a tree
A Finnish Spitz
The Finnish Spitz in the blue scenery
Heikki Sarparanta
Edmund Natunen
The Council's Ballot Bowl
Paul Klinge
Nordic dog breeds
Veli Ilmari Mikkonen
Pekka Mustonen
Juhani Hirvensalo
Lauri Tervonen
Eeva Anttinen
Paavo Rapila
Finnish Spitz Santasepon Pipsa
Viktor Edvard Tammelin
Together against drugs
Ch Nätti
Dr. Kalle Rikala judges Finnish Hounds
Ester Toivonen and German Shepherd
The poster of The Finnish Kennel Club's first dog show
Mrs Rikala-Palmgren with Miniature Pinschers
A working dog poster
Setters and a Pointer
The Finnish Kennel Club's Pennon
The Chairman's Gavel
The 100-year Anniversary Dog Show poster
Three dogs
Necklace of the Council's Chair
Martti Mannersuo
Kari Järvinen
A Baby and Puppies
A bronze medal from 1907
A golden medal
A bronze medal from 1904
A bronze medal from 1899
A bronze medal
A silver medal of Karelian Kennel Club
A golden medal
Medal of Karelian Kennel Club
A bronze medal
Medal of British and Irish Pointers and Setters Section
Kennel Club's medal from 1910
The Finnish Working Dog Association's medal
The Finnish Kennel Club's Badge of Merit
The Finnish Kennel Club's Golden Badge of Merit
The Finnish Kennel Club's Silver Badge of Merit
A plate of Finnish Spitz
A plate of Finnish Laphund
A plate of Lapponian Herder
Finnish Hound plate
Karelian Bear Dog plate
A Challenge Cup
The Dog of the Year prize
A Chairman's Gavel
A box from Äänislinna Kennelclub
Hunting knife
The hunting signals of the Finnish Kennel Club
Measuring stick
A guard dog Peni
Lieutenant general Olli Korhonen
Saki Paatsama
Jouko Yrjölä
Jörgen Schauman
Antti Tanttu
Kalle Rikala
Daniel Johannes Wadén
A Boy with a Finnish Spitz and a Finnish Hound
Finnish Spitzes Tepu Narri and Mokke
German Shepherd Dinnie von Marjaniemi
Finnish Hound Pena
Finnish Hound Raiku
Finnish Spitz Karu
Finnish Spitz Kiva Kirre
Karelian Bear Dog Jaurun Kamenka
After the Finnish Spitz trials in 1937
Finnish Spitz Lintu-Mikko
Finnish Spitz Louhen Viki
Finnish Spitz Mimmi
Winter show in Oulu 1957
Bronze Finnish Spitz statuette
Miniature sculpture of a war dog
Chairman's chair